Mutual discussion avoidance is a communication pattern in which both partners avoid discussing certain topics or issues in their relationship. This pattern can be detrimental to the health of the relationship and the individuals involved. In this article, we will explore the concept of mutual discussion avoidance and its impact on relationships.

Definition of Mutual Discussion Avoidance

Mutual discussion avoidance is a pattern of communication in which both partners actively avoid discussing certain topics or issues in their relationship. This can include avoiding topics that may be perceived as sensitive, difficult, or uncomfortable. Partners may avoid discussions about finances, intimacy, or household chores, among other topics. Avoidance can happen for various reasons, such as fear of conflict or rejection, lack of communication skills, or lack of emotional intimacy.

Impact on Relationships

Mutual discussion avoidance can have several negative impacts on relationships. When partners avoid discussing important topics, it can create tension and distance in the relationship. Over time, avoidance can become a habit, and partners may find it increasingly difficult to broach these topics. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and emotional intimacy in the relationship.

Moreover, mutual discussion avoidance can lead to misunderstandings and assumptions about the partner’s thoughts or feelings. Partners may assume that the other person does not care about the issue or is not interested in discussing it. This can lead to resentment and further strain on the relationship.

Overcoming Mutual Discussion Avoidance

Overcoming mutual discussion avoidance requires effort and commitment from both partners. The first step is to recognize the pattern and its impact on the relationship. Partners must work on their ways of communicating and listening.

Couples can also seek the help of a Christian couples counselor who can provide guidance and support in improving their communication skills and addressing underlying emotional issues.


Mutual discussion avoidance is a common communication pattern in relationships that can be detrimental to the health of the relationship and the individuals involved. Overcoming mutual discussion avoidance requires effort, commitment, and improved communication skills. Partners must recognize the pattern, identify the reasons for avoidance, and work towards improving their communication and emotional intimacy in the relationship. Seeking professional help can also be beneficial in addressing underlying issues and improving the relationship.

Categories: Blog

Finally Alive Counseling

Finally Alive Counseling Ministries is a Christian based counseling facility. We help those suffering stress, anxiety, anger, depression, and more.


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